Due to the increase in demand, we began to offer the meals five days a week, Monday through Friday.

Because of COVID-19, FANLAP was required to change our dining room procedures. After weeks of planning and learning the government guidelines, we resumed serving the children of the colonias with a take-out lunch.
In September we served 100 meals a day, which has changed to 130 daily beneficiaries. Of that total number, 114 are children and 16 are seniors who are in need of help due to the economic crisis. Because of the pandemic, only one person per family may enter the building to pick up their food; they bring their own containers.
Our team of cooks and the beneficiaries must abide by all prevention measures such as wearing masks, washing hands, taking temperatures, maintaining a safe distance, among others, in order to avoid endangering anyone.

We thank Raíz de Fondo, Earth Ocean Farms, BCS Food Safety Alliance through its food rescue program, and all individual donors, who, despite the contingency, have helped us to continue with our dining room program, either with in-kind or monetary donations.
Last but not least, thank you to the cooks who volunteer their time to see that the children and seniors of their neighborhood are able to receive a healthy meal. Thank you all for helping us continue our work.