This year The Settlement Company is collecting donations of food (not-perishables), clothing (new or used in good condition) and toys for the families served by our dining room/library/learning center in Colonia Laguna Azul.
Donations may be dropped off at the offices of any associate realtor or at the Settlement Company, 5 de Mayo 430 – #12 between Guillermo Prieto and Ramirez.
Asheley (of the Settlement Company) and Judy (FANLAP) will pick up the gifts on January 6, and they will be distributed to the children and the families on Friday, January 10.
Thank you so much
to the Settlement Company for helping the Children and Adolescents of La Paz and thank you to those of you who donate to help “our kids.”
Closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Day.
The last collection day will be January 6th.