Save the Date: Saturday, September 21st, Annual Fundraising Event at the McLeod’s [in Tacoma, WA]
So much to report about how your contributions were beneficial this year. You provided the majority funding for the building of a new school; the purchase of RBO (rice, beans & oil) providing nine months of food for the FANLAP breakfast and lunch program; and you funded multiple school scholarships. Quite an achievement!
Many more details and pictures to follow within the next few weeks.
With thanks & appreciation!
Mike & Cathy
Amigos De Los Niños Wine Tasting and Fundraising Event
Donation: $50 per person
Saturday, September 21st, 2019 / 5:30 PM
3101 N. Narrows Drive
Tacoma, WA 98407
Please come and join us to provide the laughter and conversation that has always been the highlight of this evening. We will provide the wine, music, and cuisine.
Currently, your funds are helping the FANLAP program by funding student scholarships; providing for the school supplies for all 40 of the FANLAP scholarship students; and the purchase of rice, beans and oil for their lunch program.
Mike & Cathy McLeod
mv/ShoreLeaveII & sv/ORION
Marina Palmira
Carretera a Pichilingue Km. 2.5, Colonia Lomas de Palmira,
La Paz, BCS, México 23010
3101 N. Narrows Drive
Tacoma, WA 98407